
Performance Analysis and Evaluation of IEEE 802.11e EDCF

Recently, the IEEE 802.11 working group has announced a new distributed access mechanism called Enhanced DCF (EDCF) to provide service differentiation among traffic classes defined as access category. With the increasing demand for supporting Quality of Service (QoS) in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs, the EDCF is now attracting many researchers’ attention due to its practical worth as a standard mechanism. In this paper, we focus on the analytical approach to evaluate the performance of the EDCF. An analytical model is presented to estimate the throughput of the EDCF in saturation (asymptotic) conditions by substantially revising and extending the analytical model developed by Bianchi for the performance analysis of the DCF. Extensive simulation studies based on the NS-2 simulator have been carried out for the validation of the analysis, and they show that it estimates the throughput of the EDCF accurately. By utilizing the analytical model, we evaluate the performance of the EDCF. Specifically, we concentrate on discovering the characteristics of the EDCF parameters, such as CWmin, CWmax and AIFS, in the way that they influence on the performance of the EDCF.

Authors: Jong-Deok Kim, Jong-Kwon Kim

Journal: Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing

Publisher: Wiley


Impact Factor: 1.07

Publish Date: 2004. 2. 11

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcm.165

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