
Adaptive Hybrid Data Broadcast for Wireless Converged Networks

This paper proposes an adaptive hybrid data broadcast scheme for wireless converged networks. Balanced allocation of broadcast resource between Push and Pull and adaptation to the various changes of user request are keys to the successful operation of a hybrid data broadcast system. The proposed scheme is built based on two key features, BEI (Broadcast Efficiency Index) based adaptation and RHPB (Request History Piggy Back) based user request estimation. BEI is an index defined for each data item, and used to determine whether an item should be serviced through Push or Pull. RHPB is an efficient user request sampling mechanism, which utilizes small number of explicit user requests to assess overall user request change. Simulation study shows that the proposed scheme improves responsiveness to user request and resource efficiency by adapting to the various changes of user request.

Authors: Jong Deok Kim and Byeongjun Bae

Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Publisher: Springer


Impact Factor: 0.402

Publish Date: 2006. 9. 5

DOI: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11848035_88

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