In the wireless sensor network, there are cluster based routing protocols for the network monitoring like LEACH. In earlier works, the data aggregation periods of these protocols are the same, although each cluster can have different environments or situations for time-varying. Thus, it occurred to inefficiently consume energy in non-interested areas. In addition, it is also inefficient in interested areas that require frequent measurements because of next measurement time is fixed regardless of current environment. Therefore, in this paper, we suggest that data aggregation periodic time is distinguished according to characteristics of the cluster. We designed MPDA (Multi-Periodic Data Aggregation) that is a new cluster based routing protocol based on the following suggestion. We distinguished the data aggregation period by considering the interested area that is needed to monitor frequently. The result of the experiments is that MPDA is better than LEACH in terms of a few errors and energy consumption.
Authors: A-Jeong Jeong, Se-Mi Kim, Chae-Seok Lee, and Jong-Deok Kim
Conference: IEEE UIC/ATC
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Date: 2012. 9. 4
Proceeding: PDF
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