This paper proposes the method through the mobilecommunicationnetwork when broadcast contents occur receiving errors in the Hybrid Broadcast/Mobile Network. Generally, the characteristic of the mobilecommunicationnetwork is pay network and peer-to-peer mobile. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of retransmission data in order to reduce the load of users and networks for recovery. This paper proposes the method to recovery for Hybrid DMB System which combines the T-DMB of the major mobileTVstandard with the mobilecommunicationnetwork. The proposed method utilizes the Reed-Solomon techniques based on cross-layer. The proposed method transmits the additional information for recovery when errors are detected. It can reduce by ¼ the resource compared with the retransmission of the original MPEG2-TS.
Authors: Hyung-Yoon Seo, Byungjun Bae and Jong Deok Kim
Conference: ICISA 2015
Publisher: nvidia, Springer, iCaste, KISF, KCSA
Conference Date: 2015. 2. 24
Proceeding: PDF
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